With This Homemade Cream You Will Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Forever

This light and inexpensive cream can save you from hemorrhoids and bronchitis.


Preparation requires only one egg (cooked because you need only the yolk), 400 ml of olive oil and 600 g. beeswax. Put olive oil on fire and then add the slice of wax and wait for it to melt. When it starts to boil, add the egg yolks. Once the mixture starts to foam, remove from the heat.

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Once the mixture has cooled, return to the fire and stir until it turns dark brown. When cool, strain gauze. Then put in a glass container and seal well. The refrigerator can stand for up to 10 months.

For inflammation of the sinuses – melt a little of the cream and put a drop in your nose. The mixture will effectively stop the inflammation of the sinuses.

For bronchitis – Consume half a teaspoon of balm three times daily before meals.

In case of burns, toothache or sores – apply on the painful area. With the balm you will restore the nails and remove the annoying hemorrhoids.

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