Your feet and your hands are always cold? So you have to know this

 Heavy legs, varicose veins, vertigo or even cold hands and feet usually indicate poor circulation. Many French people are victims of this inconvenience, regardless of their age and sex.





The circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients, are transmitted through the circulatory system of our body. When blood flow to a specific part of the body decreases, symptoms of poor blood circulation usually appear at the extremities of the body such as the legs and arms.


Many reasons are related to poor blood circulation, namely, smoking, lack of physical activity, prolonged static position, blood clots, high blood pressure, and obesity.


Symptoms of poor blood circulation


The most common symptoms are:


  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Pain in the limbs
  • A cooling of the limbs


Causes of poor blood circulation


According to scientists, there are many reasons why we can have poor blood circulation, including:


  • Blood clots that can obstruct the flow of blood. If they develop on the arms and legs, they can cause poor circulation.
  • Obesity leads to overweight body and poor circulation, especially when standing.
  • Raynaud’s disease causes narrowing of the small arteries of the hands and toes and is therefore less able to circulate the blood in our body.
  • Hypertension causes abnormally high blood pressure in the walls and arteries.
  • Traditional medicine offers us some natural remedies that can treat this inconvenience and are at our fingertips in our kitchens.




In addition to the various vitamins and trace elements contained in garlic, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and selenium, copper, iron, iodine and manganese, among others, Antifungal and antibacterial properties, other components such as fructosans, magnesium and adenosine, have the effect of fluidifying the blood. They act as an anticoagulant that would make the blood circulation more fluid in the limbs. Moreover, a study conducted by scientists at BioMed LA has been published in the medical journal Journal of Nutrition, has shown that garlic helps reduce fat plaques on the arteries and thus reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, garlic contains ajoene, an anticoagulant that prevents the formation of clots.


Attention, it is not recommended to consume garlic before surgery.

Horse Chestnut


Horse chestnut has anti-inflammatory properties and can treat varicose veins, relax muscles and strengthen capillary walls. Commission E, ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy) and the World Health Organization confirm the ability of horse chestnut seed extract to treat venous insufficiency. The latter is manifested by a poor circulation of blood in the veins that usually affects the legs; hence the sensation of heavy and swollen legs and the appearance of varicose veins. Its component called escin, would promote the permeability of the venous wall, thus facilitating the transmission of blood to the heart.


Fish oil


Because of its high content of fatty acids and omega 3, fish oil is extremely healthy and can improve and stimulate blood flow by removing fatty deposits from the arteries. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, fish oil supplements allow dilation of arteries and blood circulation.


Cayenne pepper


Cayenne pepper contains an active component called capsaicin, which helps strengthen capillaries and arteries. Cayenne pepper’s role is to protect the cardiovascular system. But if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids or if you are allergic to this product, do not consume it.




Active compounds called zingerone and gingerols in ginger give it the ability to stimulate blood circulation and warm the body. Regular consumption of ginger will protect the heart and prevent the formation of blood clots.


However, if you are pregnant, under medication, if you have diabetes, gallstones or heart problems, it is imperative to talk to your doctor to avoid any drug interactions.


Essential oils


The essential oils of thyme, rosemary and ginger have thermogenic properties. They have the ability to reduce numbness by warming the extremes of the body. However, pregnant women should not use essential oil.




Drinking eight glasses of water a day will help maintain good body hydration, carry oxygen in the blood and improve blood circulation.


In order to reduce the effects of poor blood circulation or to prevent it, it would be advisable to adopt a good diet, to practice a physical activity, to reduce the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, to avoid the situations of stress.


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