A complete list of baking soda beauty tricks all the women should know!

With the passage of time majority of us have switched to using natural products, instead of medicines that are full of chemicals. Home remedies have become a very popular way of treating minor health issues. These days, as soon as we have any health issue we look for natural remedy before calling a doctor. Especially for those of you, who all are mothers of young kids, it is necessary to keep natural remedies to some of the most frequently occurring problems handy. This ingredient, which can be found in every kitchen, is capable of doing miracles that you might not even be aware about. Sodium carbonate, popularly known as baking soda is the most beneficial ingredient that can be found in your house. It has some tremendous medicinal properties and is also a very efficient cleaning agent. There are many such baking soda tricks that every woman should know, some of which, I have listed below:






1. Healing Sunburn


During hot summers, if you ever forget to wear your sunscreen and get burns all over your face and body, this ingredient can help you feel better. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of cold water and apply the water all over your skin using a cotton ball. It will give you relief from the burn.


2. Natural Deodorant


Although there are a number of deodorants available in the market, but if you don’t feel like using those deodorants that have chemicals and paraben, you may use baking soda. Mix it in a cup of water and apply to your armpits.


3. Heal Mosquito bites


Baking soda can help you to get relief from an itchy mosquito bite. Simply mix baking soda and water into a paste and apply it on the skin, it will help you soothe the itchiness.


4. Facial scrub


Baking soda could act as a natural scrub. Add some water to a little bit of baking soda and then use it as a scrub and get rid of stubborn blackheads and dead skin.


5. As a teeth whitener


Use baking soda as toothpaste and brush your teeth before brushing it with your regular tooth paste.


6. Feet Softener


Baking soda can help you get the soft skin you always wanted for your feet. Apply the mixture of baking soda and water on your feet and where socks before you go to the bed, wash it off in the morning and you will have perfect pair of soft feet.


7. Clean Stains


Baking soda can clean some very stubborn stains from your clothes, apply some on the stain, and then wash your cloth in the usual way.


8.Cleaning Jewelry


Baking soda can help you restore the shine of your jewelry. Mix some baking soda with water and rabbit on the jewelry.


9.Grow your hair faster


If you want to grow your hair faster, simply rinse your hair with some baking soda and water before you shampoo. It will speed up the growth of your hair.


10. Get a Fresher Breath


Gargle and floss with water mixed with baking soda and essential oil, use it as a mouthwash.


11. Detoxifying Bath


For sore muscles and tired body, add a cup of baking soda and some apple cider vinegar to your water. This will detoxify your skin and give you a more moisturized skin and make you feel relaxed.


12. Treat Halitosis


Drinking baking soda mixed in water can help you fight of halitosis.


13. Lighten up your stretch marks


Rub baking soda and water on your stretch marks to lighten them up, it’s might not clear it completely but it will surely lighten it up.


14. Clean your fruits and vegetables


Even though it looks shiny and clean, our daily vegetables and fruits can be completely covered in germs and chemicals. Rub some baking soda on the fruits and vegetables and then rinse it properly before eating.


15. Treat Heartburn


After eating something really spicy or acidic, our stomach starts to produce acidity which can be very uncomfortable and give acid refluxes. Baking soda can help you relax your stomach during acidity, drink a teaspoon of baking soda added to 250 ml of water it will help you relax your acidity and help you get rid of heartburn.

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