10 quotes to read when everything is going badly to reboost!

 We all have moments when we feel a little less well, right? First, it may be due to the seasonal depression (normally, now it’s gone huh) but also because of a project that takes too much time. Then it can be due to tensions in relationships, or at work. Short. As sad as it is, we have many reasons that we have good days as bad. And so that’s where this article comes in. So save it to come back when you need it . Because I have prepared a short list of quotes for you to reboost. And after that, you will only feel better!







1- Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm – Winston Churchill
2 – The only thing we need to be afraid of is fear itself – Franklin Roosevelt
3 – Things do not change, we change – Henry David Thoreau
4 – You can not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be diminished by them – Maya Angelou
5 – I did not fail, I found ten thousand ways that do not work – Thomas Edison
6 – Let your hopes, not your wounds, shape your future – Robert H. Schiller
7 – What I like most is doing something I’ve never done before – Karl Lagerfeld
8 – This world is just a canvas to our imagination – Henry David Thoreau
9 – You’re never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream – The Browns
10 – The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else – Mark Twain

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